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Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Urenco believes in supporting the communities in which we operate

Our contribution

At Urenco we offer well-paid, high-skilled jobs and invest in our people and the areas where we operate. As well as safe and secure working environments, we provide practical and financial support to local communities through our work with local charities, including donations and employee volunteering. Through our Social Investment Programme we also work in partnership with charitable organisations that promote opportunities and economic advancement.

How the nuclear industry provides job opportunities for local communities:

  • The European nuclear industry supports 1 million jobs and the construction of one reactor in the EU generates up to 10,000 jobs in total (Source: NuclearEurope)
  • Nuclear power plants can operate for up to 80 years or more and can provide jobs for multiple generations of workers & for for every 100 nuclear power plant jobs, 66 more jobs are created in the local community (Source: Nuclear Energy Institute)
  • There are over 61,000 jobs in the UK civil industry supply chain (Source: Nuclear Industry Association)


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